Overworld Map

Here is an overview of the Entire Kahoto Region. We will release our Actual Map, showing overhead images of Towns and Cities.

Cities and Towns
-Mapletown: A Small, Quiet town. You have grown up here and lived in the same house for 14 years. It is now time to start your journey. Will you be ready?
-Evergreen Town: This town is just north of Mapletown. This is where The not-so-famous Professor Magnet Lives and studies with his lean-to Lab. You'll meet many new people here.
-Emerald City: This Large, Sparkling city is a perfect place to shop and Trade. In it is the Skate Park, Ball Maker's House, and the PNN Building (Pokemon News Network).
-Silent Town: The name says it all. This town is hidden in the vast Tree's Just outside the ug Catching Zone. The town may be small and silent, but who knows what mischief is going down.
-TalonThorn City: Just Past the Ancient Gull Wing Tower lays Talonthorn City. This City is very crowded and populated with the Nicest people. A Poor couple have started their own Pokemon Day care in hopes that they can help wandering trainers in any way they can. Theres one slight problem with the City, Play the game to find out.
-Sadler Town: Not much to say about this town. Just a classic everybody-knows-everybody town.
-Alto town: This quiet, beach side town Is the perfect, Calender Picture place. Bright days and beautiful sunsets.
-More Towns and Cities Coming Soon...

Other Area's

-Bug Catching Zone: Im sure most you have played Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal? Well Kahoto Has just built a private Bug Catching Zone. Put your skills to the test and win fabulous prizes.
-Gullwing Tower: An ancient tower looms high over Nocturn Forrest. This tower is the highest standing structure in Kahoto. The tower is so old and unstable, nobody is alowed to set foot in there.
-Nocturn Forrest: A Home to many Bird pokemon. It is very easy to get lost here. Bring some light with you...
-Snorelax Nesting Grounds: A Natural Snorelax habbitat. Snorelax live peacfully hear with their young.
-Stansberry Falls: The Stansberry falls go down right into the Snorelax nesting grounds. These falls come from and underground hotspring and are always flowing.
-Mt. Luxor: Professor Stratus has asked that you travel there. Be careful climing the steep cliffs and watch out for stong pokemon.
-Element Islands: These three islands sit in the middle of the ocean. Flame Island, Water Island and Grass Island. In the very center of them is the Elemental Tournament Building. Whoever can defeat the Three Champions will Become Overall Champion of the Islands.
-More Area's Coming soon...

Actaul Map comming soon...